Emily Sanzaro
Emily Sanzaro’s Room of Dreams
Emily Sanzaro is going to stay up past her bedtime at Mona and sleep in the museum with her harp—a new spin on her creative process, integrating her behavioural sleep disorder into her music. A livestream camera and sound sensor recording device will document her sleep states—often sleepwalking, sometimes other nocturnal behaviours—and she’ll then use these nighty-night experiences to inspire her composing and music-making during the daytime (and maybe overnight, if she can’t drift off). She’s also going to write her thoughts and dreams onto the museum walls, allowing you, the audience, into the passage of her ideas over time.
You can see her at work composing anytime during opening hours, and catch her daily performance.
4 October–11 November
Daily performance, 3–3.45pm
Included in museum entry