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The O

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We don’t have labels on the walls at Mona. We have the O.

Use it to find out about the art on display, and other stuff.

Download the O before you get here, but in the meantime, here’s a delightful yet informative diagram to digest at your leisure. Or ignore entirely. We don’t make the rules.

Using The O

  • Bring your own headphones. There’s audio.
  • For some exhibits, you need to join the queue on the O. You can then roam about the museum to your heart’s content and the O will notify you when it’s time to make your way to the exhibit entrance.
  • Hit ‘save your visit’ when you’re in the museum, and access everything you’ve looked at from home with a cup of tea and a Monte Carlo.
  • The O supports VoiceOver and screen reader functionality if you need it.

Read more about the O and Art Processors, the company that made it, here.

A diagram of The O interface
  • A person looking at a work on display with The O in their hand
  • The O App showing various collections items with descriptions
  • A hand holding a device with The O open to a map