Full-on Turrell

Light, overnight
Pack your jammies for a super deluxe sleepover at the museum, complete with access to every James Turrell artwork that David owns and a night in one of our flash boudoirs overlooking the Derwent riviera.
Includes one night’s accommodation at the Mona pavilions, artwork entry to Unseen Seen and Event Horizon, artwork access to Beside Myself and Amarna, oysters and Moorilla sparkling on your deck, dinner with matched wine at Faro Bar and Restaurant, breakfast and lunch, Posh Pit return ferry tickets from Hobart, and museum entry.
Rates valid until 1 April 2025
Minimum booking two people
Image: Amarna, 2015, © James Turrell
$3000 per pair
Contact us to book:
+61 3 6277 9911